Classes by West Coast Armory North
West Coast Armory North offers multiple levels of handgun classes at our range in Everett, WA.
Any questions about classes can be sent to rangemaster@westcoastarmorynorth.com
Out-of-State Classes
Washington Classes
Introduction to Handguns & Firearms Safety
Four Hours - $125 (Ammunition Included)
This entry-level course is designed for prospective gun owners and those who would like an overview of modern defensive handguns. The course starts with a thorough presentation on firearm safety and safe gun-handling skills. We then continue with an introduction to common handgun types and popular models. (You will have the opportunity to handle 12 of the most popular handguns.) Finally, after a presentation covering basic handgun marksmanship fundamentals, we move to the range where you will be able to shoot a sampling of the handguns you are most interested in.
If you are preparing to purchase a handgun or just want to increase your general knowledge of all things pistol, this course will give you the information you need.
Upon completion of this course, you will receive a FREE Bronze Membership to our Range.
Sign up now!
Ladies - Intro to Handguns & Firearms Safety
Four Hours - $125 (Ammunition Included)
The perfect course for women who are considering becoming a gun owner or just want to know more about handguns and firearm safety. This course starts with a thorough presentation on firearm safety and safe gun-handling skills. We then continue with an introduction to common handgun types and popular models. You will learn about the different types of handguns and what those differences may mean to you as a newer shooter. (You will have the opportunity to handle 12 of the most popular handguns.) Finally, after a presentation covering basic handgun marksmanship fundamentals, we move to the range where you will be able to shoot a sampling of the handguns you are most interested in.
If you are preparing to purchase a handgun or just want to increase your general knowledge of all things pistol, this course will give you the information you need. (Taught by our female staff instructors)
Upon completion of this course, you will receive a FREE Bronze Membership to our Range.
Ladies Shooting Club
Four 1-hour Sessions - $75
Our Ladies Shooting Club meets four times each month to provide women an opportunity to increase their handgun skills in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. Regardless of skill level, you can come and learn something new from our experienced instructor and amazing coaches!
Ladies Shooting Club is for women who have attended a WCAN “Fundamental Handgun Skills” class (or an equivalent 4-hour course.)
Participants will shoot a 50 round course-of-fire per session with a focus on safe and efficient gun handling.
The Club is a monthly signup, meeting on 4 consecutive Thursdays.
Ladies Shooting Club Level One
Please sign up for Level One if this is your first time attending our Ladies Club sessions.
Level One meets from 6:00 to 6:50 pm.
Sign up for Level One here! (You can purchase ammunition when you register)
Ladies Shooting Club Level Two
Level Two is for women who have attended previous WCAN Ladies Club sessions and have been approved for the more advanced drills in the second group.
Level Two meets from 7:00-7:50 pm.
Sign up for Level Two here! (You can purchase ammunition when you register)
Ladies Fundamental Handgun Skills
Four Hours - $125
A course for ladies who have some familiarity with handguns and want to develop a strong foundation in safe gun handling and marksmanship. We start with a classroom presentation covering handgun safety and marksmanship fundamentals, then move to the range for hands-on drills and exercises designed to develop and reinforce these fundamental skills. (Taught by our female staff instructors.)
Topics include:
Safe loading & unloading
Check condition of readiness
The "Integrated Act of Firing": Stance, Grip, Sighting, Trigger Control
Slow Fire Drills & Dry Fire Drills
Upon completion of this course, you will receive a FREE Bronze Membership to our Range.
Sign up now!
Fundamental Handgun Skills
Four Hours - $125
Our Handgun Fundamentals course perfect for people who have some familiarity with handguns and want to develop a strong foundation in safe gun handling and marksmanship. We start with a classroom presentation covering handgun safety and marksmanship fundamentals, then move to the range for hands-on drills and exercises designed to develop and reinforce these fundamental skills.
Topics include:
Safe loading & unloading
Check condition of readiness
The "Integrated Act of Firing": Stance, Grip, Sighting, Trigger Control
Slow Fire Drills & Dry Fire Drills
Upon completion of this course, you will receive a FREE Bronze Membership to our Range.
Sign up now!
Handgun Skills Development
Two Hours - $60
Sometimes we just need a bit of coaching to hone our current skill set before moving on to the next level. If you have taken one or more of our handgun classes and would like some additional guided practice while shooting drills this is the class for you. We maintain a 1:3 instructor to student ratio on the firing line to insure you get effective coaching and feedback while working on drills to exercise your skills for on-demand shooting performance.
Sign up now - See full Prerequisites & Equipment List here!
Defensive Handgun Level 1
Four Hours - $125
This course moves beyond basic marksmanship and gun-handling to help you begin to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to use a handgun in a deadly-force self-defense situation.
Topics include:
The legalities of self defense
Rapid, multiple shots on target
Presentation and engagement from the ready position
Human anatomy and aiming zones
Stoppage drills (what to do if your gun malfunctions)
Holster selection
Sign up now - See full Prerequisites & Equipment List here!
Concealed Carry Defensive Handgun
Eight Hours - $255
This course builds on the skills presented in "Defensive Handgun Level 1" course with a focus on those skills needed to safely carry and employ a holstered handgun.
We will examine not only the techniques of carrying and drawing a concealed handgun but also the nuances of using a handgun in typical defensive situations. (We will start by learning a safe and efficient presentation from the holster before adding concealment garments.)
Topics include:
Safe and rapid engagement from the holster (drawing and firing)
Emergency (i.e. speed) reloading
Concealed carry clothing and equipment
Drawing from concealed carry
Responding to Multiple threats
Interactions with threats, bystanders, and responding officers.
Moving off-line during the draw, reloads and stoppages
Priorities of Survival
Sign up now - See full Prerequisites & Equipment List here!
Concealed Carry Defensive Handgun Level 2
Eight Hours - $255
Continue to develop the skills and abilities relevant to common civilian self-defense situations. This course will show you how to increase your survivability through the employment of optimized tactics and handgun skills for personal defense.
Topics Include:
Increasing Speed and Accuracy
Movement Off-line and To the Shot
Hitting Moving Targets
Engaging Multiple Threats
Introduction to Individual Tactics
Optimized Use of Cover
Challenging and Covering Threats
Analysis of Specific Threat Scenarios
Sign up now - See full Prerequisites & Equipment List here!
Off-Body Concealed Carry/Flex Carry
Four Hours - $125
This class explores alternatives to conventional concealed handgun carry. We will look at bags, packs, purses and other containers as a way to have a concealed handgun readily available without the requirement for a gun-belt and holster.
Topics Include:
The pros and cons of off-body carry.
What constitutes safe holstering and un-holstering for off-body carry.
What criteria to use when assessing a container for safe firearm carry.
How to try out a container to decide if it meets your needs.
Drills to practice deployment of a handgun from alternative carry methods.
Sign up now - See full Prerequisites & Equipment List here!

Citizen Defender Study Group
Two 3-hour Sessions - $185
If you are ever forced to defend your life or the life of a loved one, failure is not an option!
The Citizen Defender Study Group builds on the skills you acquired in our Concealed Carry Handgun class to provide you with a well-rounded skill set enabling you to prevail in a deadly force encounter.
Subjects include:
Minimizing the time from decision to the first accurate hit and subsequent hits on target.
Use of movement to minimize your exposure to hostile fire while getting hits on target.
Close and contact distance threat engagement.
Use of cover to minimize your exposure to hostile fire while getting hits on target.
One-handed weapon manipulation and threat engagement with either hand.
Winning from disadvantageous positions. (Fighting from the ground and when injured.)
The Citizen Defender study group will meet twice a month for three hours each session. During the first session each month we will introduce a critical concept and its associated drills. In the second session you will further exercise the concept and have the opportunity to test your ability to apply it on demand.
By invitation only.
Defensive Rifle Level 1
Eight Hours - $255
This 8-hour class focuses on the close-quarters defensive use of the AR family of weapons. We will cover everything from how to set up your AR for maximum utility, through the fundamentals of close-quarter marksmanship leading to rapid and accurate target engagement.
Discuss safety, accessories and setup, ammunition selection, zeroing and ballistics, gun-handling and marksmanship, load/unload/check condition of readiness, malfunction clearance, threat engagement, legalities of safe defense, and reloads.
Sign up now!
Defensive Rifle Level 2
Eight Hours - $255
This 8-hour course moves beyond fundamentals to introduce the skills required for tactical use of AR pattern weapons in civilian defensive situations.
Topics include:
Rapid engagement of single and multiple threats
Movement to engagement
Management of danger areas (doorways, corners, hallways and stairwells)
Engagement from cover
Low light engagement
Sign up now - See full Prerequisites & Equipment List here!
Handgun Cleaning & Maintenance - $55
This two-hour class will cover everything you need to know about cleaning and maintaining your handgun.
Topics include:
Cleaning vs Protecting
Lubrication for optimal function
Preparing guns for long term storage
Cleaning kits for field and home
Protecting your handgun's finish
Solvents - Which to use and when
Proper care of semi-automatic handgun magazines
Bring your handgun (one only please) or arrange to use one of ours. We will provide all the necessary tools and supplies.
Sign up now!
AR Cleaning & Maintenance - $55
This two-hour class will cover everything you need to know about cleaning and maintaining your AR pattern firearm.
Topics include:
Cleaning vs Protecting
Lubrication for optimal function
Preparing guns for long term storage
Cleaning kits for field and home
Protecting your firearm's finish
Solvents - Which to use and when
Proper care of AR magazines
Bring your AR (one only please) or arrange to use one of ours. We will provide all the necessary tools and supplies.
Sign up now!
Private Handgun Training
90 Min - $150
This 90 minute private lesson will be tailored to your individual skill level and personal interests. Our experienced instructors will help you reach your specific goals whether you are a beginner taking your first shots or a more advanced shooter looking to optimize your shooting performance.
Do you want to bring a friend or family member along? We can accommodate up to 2 students per private lesson at no additional cost.